Hangzhou Famous

  • Longjing Tea – The Best Brew in Town

    Dragon Well widely known as Longjing originates from the Lion Peak Mountain in West Lake,...

  • Longjing (Dragon Well) Green Tea

    Longjing (Dragon Well) Green Tea

    The Chinese drink a lot of tea. They are mostly green tea drinkers. Some Chinese like black tea; others love jasmine tea. Jasmine tea is a kind of green tea, too, but it is green tea mixed with jasmine flowers. With its delicate flavor, it i...

  • West Lake, High times for Longjing tea

    Tea farmers pick Longjing tea on Wengjia Hill. Spring is the best time to taste tea and wander around tea plantations. TASTING a nice cup of Longjing (dragon well) tea while traveling in Hangzhou should be as much part of your itinerary as...

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